The background of the company officers is mainly in mechanical and electrical engineering. Most of the officers have scientific degrees and honors, and during the last decades have worked as senior research associates and heads of departments in Energoproekt PLC. Energy Institute staff is working practically in all fields of the energy and power sector, such as energy and power planning, nuclear power, thermal power and cogeneration, electricity, heat and natural gas transmission and distribution networks, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and others.
The founders and the personnel of the Institute have vast experience in research, survey and design activities gained in the restructuring, privatization and rehabilitation of the Bulgarian energy sector that have taken place in the last decades. They have worked on many programs and projects supported and financed by various foreign institutions such as EU PHARE program, US Trade and Development Program, WANO; banks like WB, EBRD, and EIB. Various multilateral activities are performed in collaboration with world wide known companies like Westinghouse, BELGATOM, EdF, ENEL, Tractabel, Siemens, Bechtel - USA, AEA Technology - UK, POWERGEN - UK, IVO - Finland.